Můžete nám zavolat
Brněnská 300/31
9.00-11.00 a 13.00-15.00
Accounting and tax records
Payroll and personnel management
Taxes and tax returns
Důvody proč by jste si měli zvolit právě nás.
Our accounting office uses many years of experience to address your needs.
We use modern methods of communication.
Our accounting office always emphasizes the high quality of services provided.
We make sure that our client is as well informed as possible about the news in the field.
We will offer you a meeting date as soon as possible.
We offer our services at a favorable price level.
Neváhejte a kontaktujte nás a my Vám rádi se vším poradíme.
Co si o nás myslí naši vážení zákazníci.
Naše spolupracující firmy.